showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Alien Breed 2: Assault Team17 Software2010 38thcentury 4thmillennium achievements airlocks alienbreed aliens ammomagazines androids asphyxiation assaultrifles biogrowth biotechnology bodyarmor bossbattles burning cliffhanger corridors dark dedicatedclient difficulty distantfuture distortedvision doors doors-automatic download elevators engineerprotagonist environmentalcontact episodic evilgenius explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms flamethrowers friendlyfire future giantmonsters giants glowsuits grenades handguns healingitems independentaim indoors interspecificconflict keys lamp lasersight machineguns map mode-survival monsters mp-cooperative mp-survival netranking objectiveindicator oldskoolsecurity openal openended physx playerteasing radar recap reload-auto reload-manual restorepower robots rockets screenshake secrets sequelhook sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns slobbery slowbackpedal spacecraft-location spacefaringage stamina stickysurfaces stungrenades suicideattackers temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures turrets unrealengine unrealengine3 upgradesystem voicechat wadsofcash walking weaponupgrades xblm labelimageminimize
Alien Breed 3: Descent Team17 Software2010 38thcentury 4thmillennium achievements alienbreed aliens ammomagazines dark dedicatedclient difficulty distantfuture engineerprotagonist episodic extraterrestrial future glowsuits independentaim openal physx recap reload-auto reload-manual sequelhook slobbery spacefaringage titularevent unrealengine unrealengine3 walking xblm labelimageminimize
Aliens: Colonial Marines  Sega (Gearbox Software;TimeGate Studios;Nerve Software)2013 22ndcentury 3ormoreplayers aaa achievements achillesheelfoes airducts alienfranchise aliens alternateattack androids assaultrifles autosavepoints bink blindcreatures bossbattles cave chargers collectibles dark-limited deathpits detector developmenthell disposableweapons dynamicaccuracy elevators extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers future ghosttown gibs grapplers grenadecooking grenades grenadewarning grotesque handguns healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted healthwarning humanexperiments incendiarygrenades instantkillers intangibleallies interspecificconflict invisiblewalls juggernauts jumping lamp lostequipment lv426 megacorps mercenaries militantprotagonist militarybase militaryfiction motiondetector movie mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-dropin mp-escape mp-teams mp-undefined nofriendlyfire nooneleftbehind otherworld parasites physx playerprogression privatemilitarycompanies quake quicktimeevent rating-acb-ma15 rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility rockets ruins scaleform scientists score screenshake secondaryattack segmentedhealth sequence-escape sequence-stealth sewers shallowwater shotguns singledout soldiers spacecraft-location spacefaringage steampowered submachineguns suicideattackers swayinglevels thermalweapons titulargroup unlockable-costumes unlockable-items unrealengine3 upgradesystem voicechat volcanic walking walkingarmory wastedeffort wwise Aliens: Colonial Marines is a first-person shooter based on the Aliens franchise and a sequel to the 1986 film Aliens, the second film in the series. The events take place directly after those of the film. The player takes control of the United States Colonial Marine Christopher Winter who is part of a search and rescue team that has to investigate the space ship U.S.S. Sulaco and what remains of Hadley’s Hope to find out what has happened to Ellen Ripley, Dwayne Hicks and the rest of the team that was sent to Acheron (LV-426), a fictional location as one of the three moons of Calpamos, located in the Zeta II Reticuli system. The team arrives on the space ship U.S.S. Sephora seventeen weeks after the distress call by Hicks was sent out.

The single-player campaign consists of eleven missions. Gameplay is centered around shooting opponents and sometimes items in the environment require interaction to open doors and such to progress. Some of the included weapons are a pulse rifle, shotgun, pistol, RPG, flamethrower and smartgun. Sentry turrets can be set up to defend specific areas. The turrets, along with the flamethrower and the smartgun, are not permanently available but are reserved for specific sections. There is no limitation on the amount of weapons that can be carried at a single moment. There is a motion tracker to scan movement in areas 180 degrees in front of the character. Ammo and armour upgrades can be picked up along the way. A flashlight is used to illuminate dark environments and a welder is available to cut open doors. In additional there is an leveling/experience system unified for both single-player and multiplayer where the earned points can be used to unlock new attachments and aesthetic enhancements for weapons and the main character. Most of the missions are not played alone. There is a squad of AI-controlled team mates who assist. They act independently and their behaviour cannot be influenced by the player. Many missions take place inside the space ship, but also often outside. There are a few stealth segments where all weapons are removed and no sound can be made while walking through a large amount of aliens.

Opponents include famous xenomorph aliens from the first three films, such as the chestburster, drone, facehugger, queen, warrior and runner. There are also new types, such as a boiler that can explode and a crusher. Certain levels include encounters with human soldiers from the Weyland-Yutani corporation with a different interest in the colony. There are also a number of boss fights.

Multiplayer is available as a cooperative campaign for two (split-screen) or four (online) players. Competitive multiplayer modes include Escape, Extermination, Survivor and Team Deathmatch. Escape and Survivor draw inspiration for the Left 4 Dead series. In the first, four human players need to reach a destination, while in the second they need to barricade themselves and survive as long as possible. In both modes both sides (humans and aliens) are controlled by human players. Playing as xenomorphs, there is a large emphasis on using the environment to travel along walls, ceilings and through vents for unexpected attacks. Different types of aliens are available and these too have different customization options and attacks unlocked as the player levels up.***
Borderlands 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2009 aaa abominations achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adv-static aimmode alienanimals ambush ammomagazines animals arid assaultrifles autoshotguns bayonets borderlands-series bountyhunting burrowers canyon capacity-slots cheapdeath circadiancycle clones clothdyeing compass containers crossworldcharacters damageindicator damagetypes deathpenalty deathworld difficulty-players driving dynamicaccuracy elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects falldamage fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator freelancing gamespy grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups hillland insectoids inventory ironsights itemgenerator itemglow jumping knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity locationaldamage loot-random lootemup map mercenaryprotagonist mpfocus mutants npcspawning nplayers objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator opponentpowerdisplay otherworld outlaws precisionrifles premadecharacters proceduralitemappearance pve reload-auto reload-manual revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets secondwind secrets serverbrowser shieldregen shopping shotguns socialnetwork spacewestern submachineguns town trampling tutorial unknownpast unrealengine3 upgrades-capacity vehicleflip vehiclepainting walking wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal Latest version: 1.20 (as of ?)***As the first title in an all-new sci-fi action franchise, Borderlands combines the best elements of Gearbox Software's first-person action titles with player customization and vehicular combat. Borderlands features a unique content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands is a cooperative experience, allowing for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online. Players can freely join or leave each other’s games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. Borderlands features life-like character animations, impressive real-time physics, and customizable vehicles. More details to follow. labelimagesubject
Borderlands 2 2K Games (Gearbox Software)2012 aaa achievements achievements-functional alienanimals autoshotguns borderlands-series cheapdeath clones day1dlc deadondisplay difficulty-players fascism firearms firstpersonshooter guntossing gyrojets inventory klaatubaradanikto lootemup low-g monsters objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator ragers revolverrifles revolvers robots stylized unrealengine3 wilhelmscream labelimageminimize
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons 505 Games (Starbreeze Studios)2013 achievements artlang bookends cave cooperation cpplanguage defenseless elevators ghosts gianthumanoids giants ladders ledges multiprotagonists multitasking netframework neutralmonsters nohud ogres puzzlebosses rating-pegi-16 scenic separated spectres speech-gibberish steampowered swimming teenprotagonist titularcharacter tutorial labelimageminimize
CastleStorm Microsoft Studios (Zen Studios)2013 achievements combobonuses demo difficulty friendlyfire hybridgame medieval mode-skirmish mode-survival mp-cooperative mp-versus rating-pegi-12 splatter turretdefense voicechat Incorrectly advertised as tower defense game. labelimageminimize
Fable Anniversary Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2014 1life aaa achievements actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons moralchoices multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist rating-esrb-m reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery steampowered swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies unlimitedammo voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname labelimageminimize
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Vivendi (Terminal Reality;Threewave Software)2009 achievements authorapproval castle city-newyork-ny contrasted diegeticui display-720p fatties ghostbusters ghosts goothrowers haunting infernalengine museum nojumping poltergeists rookieprotagonist urbanfantasy uvl-tiein walking Threewave handled coding for the multiplayer part which is only available in the X360 and PS3 versions of this game. labelimageminimize
Mass Effect Microsoft Game Studios (BioWare)2007 2180s 22ndcentury aaa achievements adv-ptdistr aimassist aliens ancientenemy antivillain apocalyptic assaultrifles battleaura book bossbattles cacophonicvoice cassandradilemma charactercreation chargers chekhovsgun city classbased combatautoloot containers courtesans coversystem cpplanguage cyborgs damageovertime dataexport dialog-keywords dialog-stance dialogwheel difficulty doors doubleentendres driving elevators eliteprotagonist encyclopedia energyshields epic eviloverlord extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fictionalelement firstcontact flyingjellyfish future genderchoice group group-leader group-subset hacking handguns healingitems heroprotagonist humanoids humansuperiority hypermobilefoes ineptveteran insectoids interactivedialogs interfacespoilers interplanetarytravel interstellartravel inventory itemgenerator itempickup-auto itempickup-global jumppack lostcity machinecivilization magic-somatic map masseffect-series megastructure militantprotagonist militaryfiction mindcontrol minigames multipleendings multipleworlds multispeciesorganization nationalism naturalleader newgameplus nojumping obsoletedassets openended otherworld overheating peopleresources perchararelations phlebotinum physx plantcreatures precisionrifles precursors prejudice prospecting protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face psychics racism-speciesism radar ragtaggang rating-esrb-m redeemingbeatdown researchfacility restorepower robotmenace robots rogueai romance ruins scientists selfcensorship sentientmachines sentientplants sequelhook sex sexindustry shieldregen shopping shotguns skipnoninteractive socketables sorcery spacecraft spacecraft-location spacefaringage spacelanes spaceopera spacestation specialagentprotagonist speciesequipment spiderbots starfishaliens stormtroopereffect subclassing suicideattackers technomagic thedestroyer toxins tutorial universallanguage unlikelysentients unlimitedammo unrealengine3 upgradesystem viciouscycle walkers walking weaponcustomization wintery xp-deeds xp-kills xp-progress xp-shared xp-shared-global labelimageminimize
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition Microsoft Game Studios (Mojang;4J Studios)2012 3ormoreplayers achievements alarmers amoeboids anaglyphic animals asphyxiation axes bizarreenvironments blobshadows blockbased blocky bloodless bombs bows capacity-slots chasms chemistry children circadiancycle compass constructing crafting crafting-sites criticalchance customtriggers damageflicker dark-limited darkisevil deathpenalty destructibleenvironment destructibleworld difficulty digging dimensionaltravel dissolvingitems doors dragons drm drm-login drm-online dynamicweather ecosystems expandingmap falldamage fanfunding farming fishing flatterrain forest freesound giantfungi healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate hitmoderation hunger indie insectoids inventory inventory-supplies itemdurability itemglow java jumping knockback lava limitedcapacity logicgates lwjgl mapgenerator mapgenerator-live minecarts minecraft-series monsters mp-crossplatform mp-ctf mp-dropin mycoids neutralnpcs nocampaign nofailstate noinvpause nostory npcasphyxiation openal opengl openworld openworldsurvivalcrafting periodicdangers persistentworld pickaxe platformreference portals potions prospecting rain repulsion sandbox serialkey shapedsprites shovels silviculture skeletons spiders spreadingvegetation ssao subterranean suicideattackers terraindeformation tilebased timepiece undead undefinedelements undirected voicechat vorbis walking wilderness wildlife xblm xp-kills zombies This is separately developed version of Minecraft that has no relation with the mobile nor PC version. labelimageminimize
PAYDAY 2 505 Games (OVERKILL Software)2013 3ormoreplayers achievements achievements-public adv-ptdistr aimmode assaultrifles bodyarmor brigandprotagonist chromaticaberration city club conversion cooperation criminalactivity daringenterprise deployablesensors depthoffield dieselengine difficulty dodgechance equipment-preselect firearms firstpersonshooter gunclubbing handguns healthbuffer hordegame lawenforcers lightfx liveactors masks mines missionbased modularequipment mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-rejoin mpfocus naturalistic outlawprotagonist overburdening payday-series randomlocations reload-manual respec resuscitation screenshake shotguns singlegender stamina submachineguns voicechat windowentry labelimageminimize
Team Fortress 2  Valve2007 achievements ammomagazines beepingcomputers breakpad burning caricature censored circlingbirdies classbased classbasedeq deployables deployables-redeploy equipment-preselect firearms firstpersonshooter fistloads flamethrowers flaregun foolishprotagonist free free2play havokphysics healing instructor licensechange mode-horde mp-dm mp-payload mp-teams mp-undefined nailguns overtime rating-esrb-m reload-auto reload-manual reload-opportunistic rocketjumping rockets rotaryguns runningcommentary shovels sourceengine spawnprotection supplystations syringes telefrag thermalweapons unarmedfighting unnoticedbynormals German release was censored. labelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 achievements archaicearth archers arda ballistics bodyarmor book bossbattles bows catapults classbased crossbows demons download dwarves earth elves explosives giantwolves hackandslash halflings havokphysics highfantasy horses humans incarnateddivines lotr magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters movie mystics oliphaunts orcs pelennorfields polearms pvp retrypoints shields sorcery spears swords trolls uchronia unlockablecontent urukhai weefolk labelminimizeminimize
Torchlight Microsoft Game Studios (Runic Games)2011 2hmeleeweapons abilitycriticals achievements actionrpg adv-ptdistr adv-static amoeboids animateweapons arcanepunk armyofone attrbasedeq automap axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery classbased companion containers criticalchance crossbows crystals demo demons diablolike difficulty dissolvingcorpses doors dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen explosiveobjects fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse firearms fishing gems giantspiders handguns healingitems humanoidanimals imps interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itemglow itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-instant itemsets jewelry karmiccreatures knives knockback levelbasedeq leveluprestoration lighthearted limitedcapacity loot-random lootemup magic magic-held magic-instant magicrings magicweapons mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics mine minimap mode-hardcore monsters murinoids mutagen neutralnpcs nofailstate nohealthregen obsoletedassets ogre-engine optionaltasks paperdoll plantcreatures playerprofiles polearms portals precisionrifles presetmaps priceinfo projectilecutoff protagonistnaming pygmies pyrokinesis quickkeys quitsave rating-esrb-t recallportal restorativegluttony retrypoints rewardingvandalism robots ruins safepowers sauroids sciencefantasy shopping silentprotagonist singlesave skipnoninteractive smalldevicemode socketables sorcery stash stash-shared stationaryattack stylized subterranean subterraneanrealm suicideattackers summoning swords tilebased title-animated titlementioned tooltips torchlight-series town transformativecorruption tripeds undead unknownpast volcanic vorbis walking wands weefolk xblm xp-deeds xp-kills labelimageminimize
Turok  Touchstone Studios (Propaganda Games)2008 achievements aimmode amerindprotagonist ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints ballistics bossbattles bows bulkycharacters capacity-toolslots cave damageindicator deathpits difficulty dinosaurs dodging dualwielding elevators extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flaregun forest fullbodyawareness future giantinsects grenades healthregen healthregen-fast healthvisualization hexapeds humid ingamecinematics insectoids jumping knives ladders limitedcapacity lostworld meganeura militantprotagonist nojumping npcspawning objectiveindicator otherworld pain physx precisionrifles quazal quicktimeevent reboot recycledtitle rockets ruins savepoints serieschange serious shotguns spacefaringage spiderbots stealth stealth-sight stranded submachineguns subterranean titlementioned tropic turok tyrannosaurus unrealengine3 uvl-tiein volcanic walkers walking wounds labelimageminimize
World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition Microsoft Game Studios ( 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-acb-pg rating-cero-a rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xml labelimageminimize
X-Men Origins: Wolverine  Activision (Raven Software)2009 achievements africa autosavepoints claws gore healthregen healthregen-fast marvel meleeweapons movie mutantprotagonist mutants objectiveindicator projectiledeflection rage splatter superhero-theme unrealengine3 wolverine wounds xmen labelimageminimize